• MON - SUN: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • OFFICE: Hatiara, Dhankal, Near Baguiati 700157

Property Verification


Property Searching

Protect your lifetime savings and investments with our innovative ‘3D Property Searching’ technique. We meticulously scrutinize and verify properties to ensure your peace of mind. Our services include title scrutiny, registry office searches, BL&LRO office searches, court of law checks, and optional HIDCO searches.

Why Property Verification is Important?

It is essential to verify that the transferor is the genuine owner of the property and possesses clear and marketable rights concerning the property. This will be ensured by examining the initial property-related documents and confirming if they align with public records maintained by the local authorities.

Title Scrutiny and Verification

It is very important step of Property Searching where we cross check and ensure that the seller has acquired the Ownership (Right, Title, Interest and Possession) in the Logical and Lawful Manner

Searching at Registry Offices

We conduct searching at the Three different Registry Offices of i.e. [1] Assistant District Sub Registrar Office (ADSR), District Sub Registrar (DSR) and Assistant Registrar of Assurance (ARA Kolkata) to ensure highest protection in respect of any property transaction in West Bengal.


Searching at BL&LRO Office

We conduct searching at the Office of the Block Land and Land Reform Officer (B.L.&L.R.O.) having local jurisdiction over any property to check and verify whether the Seller is the Recorded Owner or not.

Searching at Court of Law

We conduct searching at Civil Courts, Commercial Court and Debt Recovery Tribunal having local local jurisdiction to check and verify whether the Property is litigated or not, whether there is any stay order or injunction order over the Property regarding the Transfer/Sale/Gift etc., whether there is any Title Suit is Pending in the name of the Seller which Seller hides before you.

1. Title Deed
2. All Chain Deeds, if any
3. Porcha/Land Record
4. Latest Khazna/Land Tax Receipt
5. Latest Municipa/Panchayetl Tax Receipt
6. Building Sanctioned Plan
7. Building Complete Certificate (C.C.), if any
8. Occupancy Certificate
9. Development Agreement
10. Development Power of Attorney
11. Land Conversation Certificate, if any
12. Deed of Amalgamation, if any

1. Title Deed
2. Sale Agreement
3. All Chain Deeds, if any
4. Porcha/Land Record
5. Latest Khazna/Land Tax Receipt
6. Latest Municipal/Panchayet Tax Receipt
7. Building Sanctioned Plan
8. Building Complete Certificate (C.C.), if any
9. Occupancy Certificate
10. Development Agreement
11. Development Power of Attorney
12. Land Conversation Certificate, if any
13. Deed of Amalgamation, if any
14. Possession Certificate
15. Money Receipt
16. Loan Foreclosure Letter, if mortgaged property

Title Deed
All Chain Deeds, if any
Porcha/Land Record
Latest Khazna/Land Tax Receipt
Latest Municipal/Panchayet Tax Receipt
Building Sanctioned Plan
Building Complete Certificate (C.C.)
Occupancy Certificate
Land Conversion Certificate, if any
Deed of Amalgamation, if any
Possession Certificate, if any
Loan Foreclosure Letter, if mortgaged property

Title Deed
All Chain Deeds, if any
Porcha/Land Record
Latest Khazna/Land Tax Receipt
Latest Municipal/Panchayet Tax Receipt
Land Conversion Certificate, if any

Title Deed
Sale Agreement
All Chain Deeds, if any
Porcha/Land Record
Latest Khazna/Land Tax Receipt
Latest Municipal/Panchayet Tax Receipt
Building Sanctioned Plan
Building Complete Certificate (C.C.), if any
Occupancy Certificate
Development Agreement
Development Power of Attorney
Land Conversion Certificate, if any
Deed of Amalgamation, if any
Possession Certificate, if resale
Money Receipt, if resale
Loan Foreclosure Letter, if mortgaged property

Title Deed
Sale Agreement
All Chain Deeds, if any
Porcha/Land Record
Latest Khazna/Land Tax Receipt
Latest Municipal/Panchayet Tax Receipt
Building Sanctioned Plan
Building Complete Certificate (C.C.), if any
Occupancy Certificate
Development Agreement
Development Power of Attorney
Land Conversion Certificate, if any
Deed of Amalgamation, if any
Possession Certificate, if resale
Money Receipt, if resale
Loan Foreclosure Letter, if mortgaged property

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